Django + Celery + Readability = Python relevant content crawler

I have written a few posts about crawling content from the web. Mainly because I know the power of data and the biggest data source in the world is the web, Google knew it and we all now how they are doing. In my last post I wrote about crawling relevant content from blogs; It worked but what if I want an admin UI to control the crawling. What if I just put the crawler in an EC2 instance and just call it when I need to crawl.

The solution was pretty simple thanks to some python projects. I just needed to move from sqlalchemy to django ORM, create a few celery tasks and use django-celery to have a pretty UI of the tasks.

I was amazed on how easy it was to integrate celery with django. I just created a few tasks to actually crawl blogs (I already had the code from my last post) and create some django actions so the I can create tasks by demand.


The is below. Depending on if the blog is wordpress or blogspot I crawl the blog feed differently, that way I can crawl not only the 10 most recent posts but the whole blog. So I created a few tasks to discover the type of the blog. Then based on the type discover the feed URL to crawl.

For example wordpress blogs generally have the feed under: This gives me only 10 posts if I want more I can request: and that will give me a feed from post 11 to 20. Do this recursively and you get all the posts of the blog. Something similar happens with blogspot.

Finally I created some simple tasks to convert the post content to lower-case and word-tokenization using a new but pretty amazing library called TextBlob

from celery import task
from django.conf import settings
from apps.blog_crawler import utils
from apps.blog_crawler.models import Blog, Post

import time
import urllib
import readability
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from text.blob import TextBlob

def lowerize(post_id):
    post = Post.objects.get(id=post_id)

    post.cleaned = post.cleaned.lower()

def word_tokenize(post_id):
    post = Post.objects.get(id=post_id)
    text = TextBlob(post.cleaned)

    post.cleaned = ' '.join(text.words)

def discover_type(blog_id):
    blog = Blog.objects.get(id=blog_id)

    kind = utils.discover_kind(blog.url)
    blog.kind = kind

def discover_feed(blog_id):
    blog = Blog.objects.get(id=blog_id)

    if blog.kind is None:
        kind = utils.discover_kind(blog.url)
        blog.kind = kind
    feed = utils.discover_feed(blog.url, blog.kind)
    blog.feed = feed

def crawl(blog_id, limit=10):
    blog = Blog.objects.get(id=blog_id)

    # Readability API
    parser = readability.ParserClient(settings.READABILITY_PARSER_TOKEN)

    # Create and start logger
    logger = utils.create_logger(urllib.quote(blog.url).replace('/', '_'))

    post_list = utils.get_posts(blog.feed, blog.kind, limit=limit)
    n_posts = len(post_list)'{0} ({1})'.format(blog.url, n_posts))

    # Start actual crawl
    for i, (url, date) in enumerate(post_list):
        if len(Post.objects.filter(url=url)) > 0:
  '{0}/{1} Already exists: {2}'.format(i, n_posts, url))
            parser_response = parser.get_article_content(url)

                soup = BeautifulSoup(parser_response.content['content'])
                content = soup.get_text(' ', strip=True)
                post = Post(url=url, content=content, date=date)
            except Exception as e:
      '{0}/{1} FAIL: {2}'.format(i + 1, n_posts, url))
      '{0}/{1} OK: {2}'.format(i + 1, n_posts, url))

Django Admin

Then just needed to create a django app with some actions to call the celery tasks. This allows me to have the worker on a micro instance on EC2 and just queue the tasks using celery. I used rabbitmq as the broker.

from django.contrib import admin
from models import Blog, Post
from apps.blog_crawler import tasks

class BlogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['url', 'kind', 'feed', 'last_crawl']
    ordering = ['url']
    actions = ['discover_type', 'discover_feed', 'crawl']

    def discover_type(self, request, queryset):
        for blog in queryset:
        self.message_user(request, 'Task(s) created')

    def discover_feed(self, request, queryset):
        for blog in queryset:
        self.message_user(request, 'Task(s) created')

    def crawl(self, request, queryset):
        for blog in queryset:
        self.message_user(request, 'Task(s) created')

    discover_type.short_description = 'Discover the type of the blog(s)'
    discover_feed.short_description = 'Discover the feed of the blog(s)'
    crawl.short_description = 'Crawls the selected blog(s)'

class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['url', 'date']
    actions = ['copy', 'word_tokenize', 'lowerize']

    def copy(self, request, queryset):
        for post in queryset:
            post.cleaned = post.content
        self.message_user(request, 'Content copied')

    def word_tokenize(self, request, queryset):
        for post in queryset:
        self.message_user(request, 'Task(s) created')

    def lowerize(self, request, queryset):
        for post in queryset:
        self.message_user(request, 'Task(s) created')

    copy.short_description = 'Copy the crawled content to cleaned'
    word_tokenize.short_description = 'Tockenize by words'
    lowerize.short_description = 'Lower-case the cleaned content', BlogAdmin), PostAdmin)


The admin UI, using the beautiful django suit, looks like this:

You can see the running tasks, or previous tasks.


I was pretty happy with this result. With very little effort I was able to build a quite complex system. PostgreSQL for the database, rabbitmq + celery for message/tasks queuing and finally Django for the UI. I can even create some

I consider this an example of why I choose python and its amazing community. The people working on these projects are brilliant and are doing an amazing job. Focusing on building the basic tools so people can build amazing stuff faster and easier than ever.

Some stuff I want to try next if real live allows me to is:

As usual everything is on github: django-crawler
